Become a Volunteer

AWS Community Day is constantly growing and is not possible without dedicated volunteers. We are therefore extremely grateful for anyone who wants to take a look behind the scenes and help out. As a thank you for your support, we also offer you some benefits.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact us at contact@aws-community.ro . If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can find a replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions

To be a volunteer at AWS Community Day, you must be at least 18 years old. You should also have good English skills and be motivated. Depending on the area of application, you should also be able to remain calm in stressful situations and be good at interacting with people.

Every volunteer will get free entrance to the conference, a volunteer shirt, free drinks and food.

You can volunteer to help with the set up/take down, registration, stage/host assistant, miscellaneous

Feel free to contact us directly by sending an email to contact@aws-community.ro